Thursday, June 7, 2007

Mansions by the sea - Vichitra builds prestigious site in Bang Saen

Another one from the Nation...

Royal Sammuk, a high-end project built at the prestigious Khao Sammuk hill flanking the sea in Bang Saen, has drawn a select group of buyers who value exclusivity and quality over what's considered trendy and fashionable.

"Our buyers are end users who buy because of Bang Saen's proximity to Bangkok, less than an hour's drive away, allowing them a practical home they can use frequently as opposed to distant sites at Khao Yai or Hua Hin," says Navanat Sukhamogkhon, managing director of Royal Sammuk.

The project is backed by Vichitra Property, the real-estate arm of Patco, a trading and machinery conglomerate.

"So far we have sold 18 out of the 24 units," says the University of Birmingham-educated executive, who is the third child of Dr Vichitra Sukhamongkhon, founder and president of Patco.

"When buyers purchase properties that are far away, it is doubtful if they can use them once a month. But with our estate, they can come as often as they want because it is considered one of the nearest beach resorts to the capital."

"We launched the estate just before the coup last year," says Navanat. "There are three show houses at the site for viewing. Interested buyers may call our Bangkok office at Bang Na-Trat near kilometre marker 8, where we can arrange for a trip to see the site."

The Royal Sammuk comes of the back of an earlier estate that was launched 10 years ago. "We were quite successful with the first Sammuk homes, as we sold 500 units during the past decade," says Navanat.

"Because we use high-quality materials including hardwoods, our homes do cost more to build but they are also durable and will be solid investments," she adds.

The homes start from Bt12 million, which gives the buyer a 3-bedroom, 4-bathroom house with 340 square metres of built-up space on a 135-square wah plot.

For buyers who want smaller units, Royal Sammuk recently launched 12 town-home units that sell from Bt5.8 million. These three-storey units contain built-up areas of 260 square metres on plots of 32 square wah.There are six units per block of town homes.

The two corner units per block are larger, built on plots of 48 square wah. The frontage of the standard unit is about six metres, while the corner units have a wider frontage."From the third floor of the homes, residents can see the sea," says Navanat.

The company offers an optional maid and gardening service of Bt8,000 a month. The mandatory monthly maintenance fees, which cover security and estate management costs, are Bt20 a square wah.


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[b]Привет Всем! [/b]
Я Екатерина Игнатюк... и это моя первая для начало запись в этом блоге.
Исходя из теории разумного эгоизма и как настоящая "эгоистка" расскажу немножко о себе любимой.
Я молода, здорова, небогата но стремлюсь, амбициозна, полна сил и энергии.
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